Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What? How? and hope!

We know, right? "What" seems to be one of the first things people say. Complete shock and disbelief and leaves us all speechless. We agree. It takes some time to wrap your head around that even being possible. Especially, when it was diagnosed as "pneumonia." "How" often comes next. THAT even stumps all the doctors. The pulmonary doctor we had said that "in his 35 years of practicing medicine and the 20 years specializing in pulmonary, he's NEVER seen this." Never in someone his age. He also said Evan would have had to smoke 5 packs of cigarettes a day for 50 years to see what he's seeing in Evan. It's beyond human comprehension. BUT then comes the oncologist. He gives us hope! LOTS of hope! He says he has had the same conversation with a few of his patients and they are at 7 years post diagnosis, 5 years post diagnosis and 3 years post diagnosis.With Evan being a dedicated athlete who weight trained 5-6 days a week up until it became too hard on his breathing, he is strong. And not just physically, but mentally as well. Plus, he has always been conscientious about what he eats to enhance his strength. When he feels good enough to go to the gym, he still goes and adapts to what he can do. Even if it's just to lift some dumb bells or watch and talk with his amazing friends. Oh how we love those boys!
Evan, Tyler and Dale at Bass Lake  


  1. I love this!!! Thank you!! I love getting updates with our having to bother you guys with the questions!!!

  2. Prayers for you and your family!

  3. Prayers for you and your family!

  4. Great to hear about what the Oncologist said. Keep up the fight Evan!

    J Beck

  5. I love you Evan! You have been a big part of my life. You are in everyone of my prayers.

  6. Hope you're doing well, at least as well as you can. Such a difficult battle but I hear you are very strong and determined so that will be in your favor. Love to you and your family.

  7. I'm so sorry for what you're going through, life can be completely upside down sometimes and hard to take but you seem like a strong boy with a amazing group of people behind you,good luck to you i wish you all the happiness and time in the world
